July 16, 2014 - The Chairman of the Merchant Marine Policy Coalition (MMPC), Clay Maitland, today applauded the Senate confirmation of MARAD Administrator Paul ‘Chip’ Jaenichen. Stating that this confirmation is “Well deserved and long overdue”, Maitland congratulated Jaenichen and wished him well on the ambitious and necessary work that lies before him.
Coincident to Tuesday’s news, Maitland had released a webcast on Monday calling for the confirmation. “Congress has been relaxed on taking a position on maritime policy. With Russia, the South China Sea, the Middle East and more, we are facing global challenges analogous to the late 1930’s. We need a strong US flag merchant marine to provide sealift capability. Chip has been leading this effort. He must be confirmed and kept on; good people won’t stay if they are being snubbed.”
To view the webcast, go to:
The purpose of the Merchant Marine Policy Coalition (MMPC) is to ensure the future of the United States Flag Merchant Marine through the development of a “think tank” which will convene regularly at meetings, dinners and roundtable sessions. This group is designed to be a non-profit, educational group, but not a lobbying organization. For more information, go to http://www.mmpc-usa.org/